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The visual image of the city and the people represented in it changed a lot from the moment of fall of USSR. This project is a product of the observation of these changes. In Soviet period the monumental propaganda possessed an actual monopoly over the public city space. For the creation of murals were used materials resistant to sunlight, moisture and frost, therefore many of them still remain. On the contrary, the modern city is overflowed with the 

fleeting advertising images which are quickly replacing each other. In this work formal Soviet monumental esthetic is combined with contemporary commercial imagery. In the moment of the first exhibition of "Monumental Propaganda" the borrowed images could still be seen in the city. The mosaic panel is made of smalt – durable material, widely used by muralists of the Soviet period.

© Тексты о работах: Олена Червонык, Виталий Атанасов

© Дизайн: Денис Рубан 

© Переводы: Лариса Бабий,

Екатерина Кочеткова, Марьяна Матвейчук,

Куролай Абдухаликова

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